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Max Payne tulee 11.1.2002

Max Payne tulee Suomessa kauppoihin tammikuun 11. päivä. Jenkeissä peli ehtii PS2-markkinoille jo aiemmin, 7. joulukuuta.

IGN:n kommentit:

The PlayStation 2 version of the game that I played today is a remarkably accurate rendition of the PC original. It's a near-perfect port, with everything that's in the PC version packed right into it. The biggest alterations are mostly in the production, and they hardly affect gameplay. There are more load times, there is a slight resolution drop, and the 30 frame-per-second framerate makes the action just a tad less silky.

Ja näin kommentoi Remedyn Petri Järvilehto PS2:n vaikeutta ohjelmointialustana:

Yes, it's hard to develop for. We were lucky enough to get Rockstar's Canada team to work on the PS2 version (these are the same guys who did the Oni for PS2), and they're really hardcore.

The version turned out better than we expected as they squeezed every last drop of processing power out of the PS2.

Lisää aiheesta löytyy 3D Realmsin foorumeilta, linkeistä kiitos XRaylle:

  • Topic: Max Payne console release dates

  • Topic: Max Payne PS2 preview

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